Why Do You Need to Be on MeatBorsa?

You found yourself on this website and you spent some time going around it. You’ve read what we wrote on the Home page, you’ve checked how it looks from the perspective of different people and companies, and you’ve even checked the videos we’ve recorded and shared here.

And now you think to yourself – will I do this? Will I join this platform and become a part of it?

I know it may sound a bit subjective if we just tell you – yes, you should join, but.... you should.

In order to gain trust, we will not just say we are the best and everything we do is the best, and that nothing we ever do is wrong. Even we don’t believe that. No, in order to gain trust, we will share with you the good and the bad of becoming a part of this platform. Because there is yin-yang situation with every decision you will ever make, a bit of bad in the good, and a bit of good in the bad.

So, let’s see the pros and the cons of becoming a part of MeatBorsa.


We are not going to lie to you. We are still developing the platform. And whenever something is still under construction, there might be some frustrating things. You might find a bug, something not working on the platform. Or you might realize there’s a feature you desperately need to make your life easier, but it’s not yet available. Because we still work on it.

That’s probably the biggest disadvantage at the moment. But just as we said – there is always something good in the bad, and something bad in the good. Since we are still developing, we are very open to hearing suggestions you might have on what would be good to add to the platform. So a good thing is that you have the chance to influence how the platform will look like. So... if you found any bugs or if you’re missing some features, do contact us.

Then, since we just went live, we don’t (yet) have this huge marketplace with millions of companies and billions of products. But we’re working very hard to get companies on the platform, to fill the marketplace with items and to get the ball rolling. It’s a normal thing when any e-commerce is starting, and we understand you might think “Oh well, they seem good, but I’ll come back once they have more companies and more products”. But don’t. Be on the platform from the day one, influence the development and get the ball rolling together with us.

And of course, the con is that it’s something different than what you’re used to. We understand that any change, even the good one, is slightly uncomfortable and requires time to adapt. But we are firm believers that once you get to know all the benefits, you will never want to go back to the way you used to work.


Your work will become easier. That’s the main goal we had in our minds while developing MeatBorsa. We wanted to make everything so simple that you really don’t have to spend a lot of time uploading what you’re selling or buying and then going through with the transaction. Collaboration between the two sides, sharing documents, updating statuses – all at the tip of your fingers.

You’ll have more options. This is a global marketplace so if you’re selling, you’ll have potential customers from all across the world. If you’re buying, you’ll have more products to choose from, from around the globe. No limit to what you can earn and save once the playground is global.

There’s no language barrier. You can talk with everybody and anybody using your own language because MeatBorsa can automatically translate it to the language used by the person you’re talking to. Seller speaking only Bulgarian, and buyer only English? Not a problem anymore, because MeatBorsa uses AI.

We understand the meat industry. We do have a lot of programmers on board, but we are not just an IT company that figured this would be a cool thing to do. We are led by our President, Aneta Nakova, and she has more than 15 years of experience in meat trading industry. She knows what the pain points are and how to fix them. We also conducted tons of interviews with people from the industry trying to figure out all the things that are needed. Also, if you see something that we’re missing, do contact us.

We’ll keep getting better. We plan to launch new features on a weekly to bi-weekly basis after the go-live stage. So what you see now and what you’ll see in two, three weeks' time is not the same thing. Jump on board now to get used to the platform and then capitalize on the fact that you can easily upgrade to an even better experience once we add new features.

We provide excellent customer support. And this is what will solve any issues you might have with the platform and onboarding. Especially in these first stages of its existence. Feel free to contact us and we’ll make sure to solve your problem very soon.

You’ll be a trailblazer. You can use the fact that you’re on this platform for PR reasons. Everybody likes and appreciates trailblazers, the ones that are helping to pave the way to the change, the ones who suffer through the unknown for the better. We can help out with any PR idea you might have, just let us know.

And there are many more reasons to join that you will discover along the way. So sign up and start your own MeatBorsa experience.